Dispensary Etiquette

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Dispensaries are quickly popping up all over the states that have legal recreational marijuana. And that, Marijuana Memes readers is a good thing. However, it is not everyone who frequents dispensaries or feels comfortable walking in to one for the first time. There can be a lot racing through your mind when you first visit the shop, like: how much do I ask for? What do I want to smoke? Have I got the right ID? And many others.

We know this, so here we compiled a quick guide to excellent dispensary etiquette. You can visit the best dispensaries in Los Angeles without a worry.

List of Do’s

It is best to start of with what you should do in order to maximize your experience in a dispensary.

Do Ask Questions. Budtenders are there to help you with whatever your questions might be. The weed world is constantly changing, and they are in the know how. There is no such thing as “stupid questions”, all questions will help the budtender decide which is the best strain for you.

Do Play it Cool. Act like you have been there before. Don’t show too much excitement or nerves, just play it cool.

Do Some Planning. Many dispensaries offer an online menu. It doesn’t go a miss to familiarize yourself with this, that way you can come in with questions ready to ask.

Do Bring the Right ID. Doing some research to make sure you bring the right form of photographic ID will save you a lot of hassle and trouble.

Do Be Polite. This one goes without saying really.

Do Know the Local Laws. No matter where you are shopping, know how much you can legally purchase and where you can smoke what you buy.

List of Don’t

Now, let us look at the no-noes of dispensary etiquette.

Don’t Linger. Budtenders are here to help and they enjoy chatting like all of us, but there are strict rules as to how many people can be in a shop and how much time is spent on each costumer. Once you have completed your purchase, say goodbye, leave a tip and leave.

Don’t Use Your Phone. Many dispensaries have strict “no photo” policies, so the best way to avoid getting into any trouble is to not use your phone at all while in a dispensary. Or ask first.

Don’t Bring Your Pet Inside. A bit of a no brainer really, but it has to be said. You have to leave your trusted companion outside at all times when shopping in a dispensary.

Don’t be a Snob. Walking in and asking for the strongest or most potent strain makes you look low-class. Feel free to let the budtender know you are looking for something strong, but don’t be a snob about it.

Don’t Bring Back Your Weed. This is a massive no! Dispensaries are licensed to sell prepackaged and labelled weed to sell. They cannot accept exchanges.

General Don’t. Some of these shouldn’t need saying, but here we have them. Don’t haggle. Don’t talk about illegal activities. Don’t consume in the premises.

Happy Shopping!

Now you can confidently walk into the best dispensaries in Los Angeles and feel comfortable you are not being a difficult customer. Enjoy your shopping!