“I’m fighting for the right to exist, no more than that. I’m not interfering with anyone’s existence at all, I keep myself to myself and live quietly and peacefully.” – Free Morgan Freeman
Indica Vs Sativa
Control Your Anxiety With Weed
When you can’t roll joints…
I Was Born To Chill
MP Dr Paul Monaghan on Rescheduling Cannabis
Vodka Vs Weed
When you smoke weed for the first time
When someone asks how high I’ll get today.
Decided to smoke weed on 4/20..
This is so true!
3 weeks after cannabis legalisation in Northern Ireland
Jennifer Aniston Marijuana Quote
How to deal with bad neighbours
Dude, Saint Patricks Day Is Like…
Will you be smoking weed in 50 years?
The Pot Doctor
“I Got Stoned And I Missed It” –...
The Cookie Monster Smoking A Joint