Legendary American stand up comedian Bill Hicks thinks marijuana use should be mandatory. Who am I to disagree with a man of his great stature :-).
Keep Calm It’s 420 Somewhere
Oh, your dab too big…
To Government – Demand Your Rights
Mondays Aren’t So Bad
Snoop Dogg, Redman, Method Man and B-Real talk...
I said puff, puff, pass not babysit that...
When you got that loud…
Fuck It, I’m Getting High
Immortal Oceans – Reforestnation (Legalize Hemp)
When your dealer’ got the Ebola Virus.
Warning: Marijuana Cultivation is Dangerous!
I love watching movies high
It’s true that drugs kill, but not cannabis
Melissa Etheridge marijuana quote
Strain Hunters Morocco Expedition
Life is what you make it!
Grandaddy Underpants Corp Sues the Makers of Ken’s...
Hipster Quits Smoking Weed