Emperor of Hemp: The Jack Herer Story (2005)

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Emperor of Hemp tells the tale of cult folk hero Jack Herer, author of the hempster Bible “The Emperor Wears No Clothes.” It also delves into the controversial issues of marijuana and hemp prohibition.

When Jack Herer died on April 15, 2010, the world lost a true American Original. He was one of those larger-than-life kind of guys. When he walked into a room he owned it. You couldn’t take your eyes off him. And you couldn’t ignore him either … he wouldn’t allow it.

Jack’s entire being was defined by his cause, and his pledge to fight every day until cannabis was legal, until he was dead, or until he turned 84. Jack took that pledge seriously and never stopped fighting, literally giving his last breath for the cause.

We decided to honor our friend Jack with a Memorial Tribute Edition of our “Emperor of Hemp” DVD. We went back through all of Jack’s original interview footage and found a few never-before-seen gems, 20-plus bonus minutes of classic Jack at his fiery best.

This is the film that the United States government does not want you to see. This is the film that contains the facts about one movement… one man… and one miraculous plant that could revolutionize the world. The best-selling book The Emperor Wears No Clothes blew the lid off the anti-hemp conspiracy and explained all there is to know about an easy-to-grow plant with infinite, non-intoxicating uses.

Why is hemp illegal? The information is in this film, and you won’t believe it!

This video is about a man’s fight for truth, justice and a plant. What began as a singular battle has turned into a massive movement to educate America about this environmentally beneficial plant. “Emperor of Hemp” exposes government and big-business efforts to keep the plant illegal, and takes you to the front lines of the pro-hemp movement.

Meet the “Emperor of Hemp,” Jack Herer, the man behind “The Emperor Wears No Clothes.” Find out how his passionate journey began. Discover how he overcame hurdle after hurdle. Cheer his ultimate vindication. Narrated by Peter Coyote, “Emperor of Hemp” could change the world … if the American public finally realizes “The Emperor Wears No Clothes.”