Mike Cutler, 63 who is a grandfather in England claims he has cured his cancer using cannabis oil. Shanna Malcolm and Jimmy Dore join Dave on The Rubin Report to discuss story as well as the self defeating laws that exist around the miracle herb.
The Pot Doctor
Your Right To A Private Life
Obama Smokes Ebola Weed
100% Of Non Smokers Die
Snaccidents On The Rise
When you’re high AF…
Legalise Me – The Pretenders
Can you crack the weed vault?
I love watching movies high
Color Changing Red Eye Glass Pipe
Dabs dude…dabs – Really High Goat
Colorado, The Only Place You Can Tip A...
Marijuana Linked To Awesomeness According To Study
The absurdity of the ‘war on drugs’
Weed v other drugs
Rasta Santa
Sometimes you’ve got to twist things up
Marijuana is addictive…