First ever commercial for weed on a major network debuts and it makes sense al,out instantly. In my experience – whenever I have been buying weed its never been from a guy like this but from good folk…mostly. Anyway check it out.
420 Plus 69 Equals Party Time
Pot Lowers Domestic Violence Finds Anti-Marijuana Institute
Cannabis is an awesome medicine
Should your company go green?
Happy Birthday Bob Marley – Macka B
John Prine – Illegal smile
No Smoking Sign – Weed Smoking Allowed
Fusion Family – Smokers and Jokers
Hemp For Stustainability
What ? Stoned meme
When the cops smell weed
Marijuana Linked To Awesomeness According To Study
Problems with the Legalization of Marijuana #014
It’s always 420 in my house
A collection of Weed Birthday Cakes
Why shouldn’t I take a second dab?
Ali G – Who wants to win an...
Before & After Pictures