Featured in Breaking Bad, Prince Fatty’s remix of ‘Ol Dirty Bastard’s Original Shimmy Shimmy Ya. I think this is a perfect song to get high to and a really well done remix. Spark one up and check it out!
That Moment When You Hear Police Sirens
Poll: Weed more popular than all 2016 candidates
I’m Against Marijuana
All My Friends Are Stoners – Rich Hardesty
You know what sucks about weed?
I’m more stoned than a biblical whore
Is this the biggest joint ever ?
Pen caps cause 100 deaths per year
Holding in coughs so they don’t try to...
When you meet another grower during harvest season
Colonel Chris Hadfield High In Space
I’m fighting for the right to exist, no...
Ludacris – Blueberry Yum Yum
Jorge Cervantes’ Ultimate Grow Part 1
President Barack Obama Knows That Feeling
Stoner Pranks Hollywood … in 1976
Marijuana Christmas Tree
If you smoke weed before an eating contest