I don’t know about the supermarket but this resembles my kitchen after a late night session of the munchies. The aftermath of a stoner stampede.
Make weed legal & everyone will stay home
When the edibles are weak…
Single, Taken…About to…
Whether you’re pro or anti-marijuana freedom is the...
Fuck It, I’m Getting High
US President Barack Obama Offered a Hit From...
Master – Blazing or High- Jacking = Fap
Cannabis is Safer than Alcohol
When I get home from work
Cropwatcher – Schoolfight
When you get your the stimulus money from...
Marijuana memes slap design for our website
How stoned are you?
I’m a joker, smoker and a midnight toker
You know what’s worse than a Monday ?
Pot Quiz – Jimmy Kimmel Live Show
The Queen of England sniffing the goodness
Cannabis or Chemical Meds ?