Ahhh that feeling when you finally get a moment to just smoke some weed and forget the bullshit for at least a little while.
Bingo time in Colorado
I need a hug…
Immortal Oceans – Reforestnation (Legalize Hemp)
When your dealer tries to rip you off
Weed smokers flock to Colorado for first legal...
Cannabis Christmas Card by Norris Nuvo
Superman Hitting The Bong
Weed should be researched for it’s thernaputic qualities
How You Look When You See Cops At...
Marijuana Gives You The Munchies
Holy Marijuana Batman!
Oregon Cannabis Legalization Commercial
Turns 18, Amsterdam stop selling weed to tourists
Gonna get ya, coming on strong
When murder gets you less time than growing...
Killing dead things
Skimp Killah – Eff Your Weed Shop
Jeremy Clarkson Smokes Top Gear