“Trust me! Your meme idea is funny and everyone will like it.” We’ve all been there, sitting on cloud 9, laughing our asses off at some random stoner thought. Turn it into a meme and nobody even gets it. Damn you scumbag weed.
Kacey Musgraves – “Burn One With John Prine”
Superman Hitting The Bong
What I learnt in 2020
The best weed Strains – Snoop Dogg and...
When someone says weed is weed!
Weed brownies for shits and giggles
Cannabis stop motion, from seed to weed
I’d rather be smoking large quantities of marijuana
All Government’s are lying cocksuckers!
Ludacris – Blueberry Yum Yum
Colbert on The First Church Of Cannabis
Weed should be researched for it’s thernaputic qualities
You put the weed in the coconut
The Only Prescription You Need
How stoned are you?
Underwater Bucket Bong Because That’s Why
Buys 3 Foot Bong…Never has weed!
Cheech and Chong – Up In Smoke