Wars Never Solve Anything. The ‘war on drugs’ brought in more drugs and the war on terror created more terrorists.  Maybe next year we can have a war on jobs and see where it goes.
Bill Murray Marijuana Quote from Reddit
Hot Boxed Car 420 Weed Smoking Prank
Super Weed Brothers – Deluxe Weed Edition (...
Pot Retweet Gets Student Suspended – School Facing...
“Dear Mom” – Marijuana Policy Project
Cannabinoids Are Good For Our Health
That face you make when people say weed...
Woody Harrelson Quote on Weed and Freedom
The Weed Man at 3am
Cannabis Extract For Cancer Patients
Wiz Khalifa – When I’m Gone
9 out of 10 doctors don’t recommend medical...
Miley Cyrus Trash Talk on Jimmy Kimmel
Potheads Always Welcome
Cannabis Is Less Addictive Than Alcohol
Eve Ensler activist quote
I need a hug…
Stop Persecuting Cannabis Users