Give weed a chance, it’s absolutely wonderful.
When you run out of mason jars…
Brazil Holds huge pot legalization march
Colorado, The Only Place You Can Tip A...
Waiting To Inhale (2005) Documentary
Working a 40 hour week
Big Pharma wants you high on pills –...
Problems with the Legalization of Marijuana #008
Snoop Dogg Weed Smoking Quote
DJ Slim – Utilize Your High
When all you do is smoke weed
FREEBIRD – Official Trailer
Sure, dogs can be loyal but…
Weed vs Ebola – Rage Comic
Fraternity Of Man – Don’t Bogart That Joint
Concentrating On Concentrates – Awesome Melts
Superbowl 2014 – Colorado V Washington
Study Shows Medical Marijuana Means Less Overdoses
But It’s Medicinal Catnip