Ali G asks why is weed illegal but Pringles are legal, because they even admit ‘once you pop you can’t stop’.
Edibles on a plane
We do not need to find the cure...
When the cops smell weed
Working a 40 hour week
Essential Weekend Supplies
Spock – Weed Makes Everything Logical
Life in quarantine VS The story I tell...
Pot Smoking Granny
Waiting to get your smoke on
The Black Eyed Peas – Where Is The...
World Cup Columbian Nazi Weed Pope
Marijuana treats all these things…Government says its not...
How Does your Garden Grow Mary
If you run out of weed, you’re gonna...
I Love The Smell Of You On My...
Cannabis Solves Everything
Buys 3 Foot Bong…Never has weed!
Happy Passover