“The so-called “war on drugs” is not a war on pills, powder, plants, and potions, it is war on mental states — a war on consciousness itself — how much, what sort we are permitted to experience, and who gets to control it. More than an unintentional misnomer, the government-termed “war on drugs” is a strategic decoy label; a slight-of-hand move by government to redirect attention away from what lies at ground zero of the war — each individual’s fundamental right to control his or her own consciousness.” – Darryl Bickler of the Drug Equality Alliance
When you can’t roll joints…
I Brought You Weed
Grandaddy Underpants Corp Sues the Makers of Ken’s...
Smoke Weed Everyday Graffiti
Babylon, Y U No Like Ganja?
When Your Buddy Turns To Stone
Beautiful Weed Plant Growing – Time-lapse
Children using medical cannabis / marijuana to stay...
What’s more important…
We Can’t Stop Here This Is Bat Country...
Biochemist Dennis Hill Cured Prostate Cancer
Google patent number 6630507
Gentlemen Prefer Bongs
Let Our People Grow
Not Sure If Legalizing Weed Leads To Superbowl…
When the fuzz knock on the door
When you smoke the herb, it reveals you...
Free The Weed…